About Kerala State Commission for Backward Classes(KSCBC)
The Kerala State Commission for Backward Classes is a statutory Commission constituted by the Government of Kerala under the Kerala State Commission for Backward Classes Act, 1993 (Act 11 of 1993) for entertaining, examining and recommending upon requests for inclusion in and complaints of over inclusion or under inclusion of any backward classes in the list of backward classes of citizens. There was an amendment to the above Act as per the Kerala State Commission for Backward Classes (Amendment) Act, 2000(Act 10 of 2000) by which the constitution of the Commission was made with the present form. In September 1995, the additional function of evaluating, from time to time, the degree of backwardness of the backward classes and submitting periodical reports to the Legislative Assembly of the State was conferred on the Commission as per the Kerala State Backward Classes (Reservation of Appointments or post in the services under the State) Act, 1995 (Act 16 of 1995).
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